3 hours
Landholder and general public fire information session: An informative overview of bushfire and fire preparedness.
Presenters at a recent Fire Information Night in Noosa, L-R Rachel Lyons Noosa and District Landcare; Brad Dines (QFES) Andrew Marnie, (QFES): James Ulyate and Cr Brian Stockwell Noosa Council; Dr Sam Lloyd and Craig Welden, QFBC/Healthy Land and Water.
Key topics include:
- A great overview of the Queensland Fire and Emergency Service (QFES)'s Prepare Act Survive message.
- Local and state vegetation management laws.
- Local disaster arrangements, agencies roles and responsibilities.
- Fire as a land management tool.
- Fire ecology.
- Cultural burning.
- Bushfire mitigation activities within local land management agencies.
- Other topics may be included, as dictated by the land use in which the information night is being held (e.g. fire and grazing; timber production etc).
Local representatives from partnering agencies/organisations present on their respective topics, including (but not limited to) QFES, local government, Traditional Owners, other state agencies and utility providers.
The fire information night is of particular interest for landholders because it is focused on fire management roles and responsibilities, fire season planning and preparation, as well as managing fire regimes to protect and enhance native vegetation.
The information night is a prerequisite for landholders wishing to attend a fire planning workshop.
It is held 1-2 weeks in an area before the larger property and management focussed fire management planning workshop.