QFES Commissioner opens 2020 Fire Science Seminar Series
QFES Commissioner opens 2020 Fire Science Seminar Series
An exciting 3-day fire seminar series for Queensland was opened by the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services Commissioner, Greg Leach.
Drawing on his extensive career with the Victorian Country Fire Authority and the Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Board, Commissioner Leach engaged attendees with his first-hand experience and understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing adaptive bushfire management and planning. With over 30 years’ experience in the emergency services sector, Commissioner Leach bought a wealth of knowledge and experience to share with attendees.
Fire showcase: Facing Fire in a Changing Climate
The novel conference was modified for online delivery due to COVID-19, being broadcast as three online seminars.
With the theme “Facing Fire in a Changing Climate”, the seminar series started on 10 November and was being delivered over three consecutive Tuesdays (from 9:30am – 11am).
The series showcased applied fire ecology and fire management projects, with a focus on climate change and fire climatology. It also took a closer look at the 2019/20 fire season in Queensland, its significance and impacts upon our ecological values.
The transition to an online format went smoothly, and the QFBC successfully showcased the latest science and information on fire preparedness, fire management and climate, and looking at last season’s devastating bushfires.
Tuesday 10th, 17th, and 24th November 2020
Time: 9.30 am - 11.00 am
Where: online